2025-03-15 13:21:32

  • abbr.

    on-line retrieval of information over a network 网络在线信息检索;

  • 英英释义

    Orion[ ə'raiən; ɔ:- ]

    • n.
      • (Greek mythology) a giant Boeotian hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was eventually slain by Artemis; was then placed in the sky as a constellation
      • a constellation on the equator east of Taurus; contains Betelgeuse and Rigel



    orion nebula猎户座星云;猎户星云


    1. Look over to the southeast and you can see the con stellation of Orion.
    2. Each star in Orion seemed to tremble and stir with my breath.


    Orion: a power-performance simulator for interconnection networks
    Orion: A Power-Performance Simulator for Interconnection Networks
    Architecture of the ORION next-generation database system
    ORION 2.0: A fast and accurate NoC power and area model for early-stage design space exploration
    ORION 2.0: A fast and accurate NoC power and area model for early-stage design space exploration
    Xinping Zhu; Li-Shiuan Peh; Malik. Orion: a power-performance simulator for interconnection networks
    On the Stellar Population and Star-Forming History of the Orion Nebula Cluster
    Near-Infrared Photometric Variability of Stars toward the Orion A Molecular Cloud
    Photodissociation Regions - Part Two - a Model for the Orion Photodissociation Region
    Photodissociation regions. I - Basic model. II - A model for the Orion photodissociation region



    one quarter,one... one quarter英 [wʌn ˈkwɔ:tə] 美 [wʌn ˈkwɔrtɚ] ...
    one shot,one sh... one shot英 [wʌn ʃɔt] 美 [wʌn ʃɑt] ...
    one sort or ano... one sort or another
    one person hous... one person house-hold
    one party,one p... one party英 [wʌn ˈpɑ:ti] 美 [wʌn ˈpɑrti] ...
    one the other h... one the other hand
    one step ahead,... one step ahead英 [wʌn step əˈhed] 美 [wʌn stɛp əˈhɛd...
    one street,one ... one street
    one third,one t... one third英 [wʌn θɜ:d] 美 [wʌn θəd] ...
    one way or anot... one way or another英 [wʌn wei ɔ: əˈnʌðər] 美 [wʌn we...
    One way ticket,... One way ticket
    one thousand,on... one thousand英 [wʌn ˈθaʊzənd] 美 [wʌn ˈθaʊzənd] ...
    one too many,on... one too many英 [wʌn tu: ˈmeni] 美 [wʌn tu ˈmɛni] ...
    one time,one ti... one time英 [wʌn taim] 美 [wʌn taɪm] ...
    one's own undoi... one's own undoing
    one's own flesh... one's own flesh and blood[wʌnz əun fleʃ ænd blʌd] ...
    one's number is... one's number is up[wʌnz ˈnʌmbə iz ʌp] ...
    one week,one we... one week英 [wʌn wi:k] 美 [wʌn wik] ...
    one-act play,on... one-act play英 [wʌn ækt pleɪ] 美 [wʌn ækt pleɪ] ...
    one-base hit,on... one-base hit英 [ˈwʌnˌbeɪs] 美 [ˈwʌnˌbes] ...