释义[人名] 奥林达;[地名] [美国] 奥林达;
Integrated management of childhood illness: a summary of first experiencesArabidopsis thaliana ferrochelatase-I and -II are not imported into Arabidopsis mitochondriaProcessing of the Dual Targeted Precursor Protein of Glutathione Reductase in Mitochondria and ChloroplastsA novel in vitro system for simultaneous import of precursor proteins into mitochondria and chloroplastsEmergency obstetric care as the priority intervention to reduce maternal mortality in UgandaDeclining maternal mortality ratio in Uganda: Priority interventions to achieve the Millennium Development GoalA sector-wide approach to emergency obstetric care in Uganda.Just read the message: a model for sorting of proteins between mitochondria and chloroplastsComparative differences in densities of adult ticks as a function of body size on some East African antelopesEffect of vitamin A on diarrhoeal and respiratory complications of measles.