organoleptic英 [ˌɔ:gənəʊ'leptɪk] 美 [ˌɔgənoʊ'leptɪk]
- Organoleptic properties are the aspects of food or other substances as experienced by the senses, including taste, sight, smell, and touch, in cases where dryness, moisture, and stale-fresh factors are to be considered.
Organoleptic and nutritional effects of phenolic compounds on oilseed protein products: A reviewOrganoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat breads supplemented with soybean and barley flourIdentification and organoleptic evaluation of compounds in Delicious apple essenceOrganoleptic and nutritional evaluation of wheat biscuits supplemented with untreated and treated fenugreek flour.Genetic analysis of organoleptic quality in fresh market tomato. 2. Mapping QTLs for sensory attributes.Genetic analysis of organoleptic quality in fresh market tomato. 1. Mapping QTLs for physical and chemical traitsOsmotic concentration of fruit slices prior to freeze dehydration [Organoleptic quality].Compositional and organoleptic quality of farmed and wild gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and...Effect of Olive Ripening Degree on the Oxidative Stability and Organoleptic Properties of Cv.Nostrana di Brisighella Extra Virgin Ol...Effects of dietary vegetable and marine lipid on growth, muscle fatty acid composition and organoleptic quality of flesh of brook ch...