organizational merger[ˌɔɡənaiˈzeiʃənəl ˈmɜ:dʒə]
Employee adjustment to an organizational merger: stress, coping and intergroup differencesIntegrating Strategic, Organizational, and Human Resource Perspectives on Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Survey of Synergy Realiza...The Choice of Organizational Form: The Case of Post-Merger Managerial Incentive StructureEmployee Adjustment to an Organizational Merger: An Intergroup PerspectiveOrganizational identification after a merger: a social identity perspective.COPING WITH AN ORGANIZATIONAL MERGER OVER FOUR STAGESThe Impact of Leadership and Change Management Strategy on Organizational Culture and Individual Acceptance of Change during a MergerOrganizational Identification During a Merger: Determinants of Employees' Expected Identification With the New Organization*Working Under a Black Cloud: How to Sustain Organizational Identification after a MergerThe Ecological Dynamics of Careers: The Impact of Organizational Founding, Dissolution, and Merger on Job Mobility