organizational function[ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl ˈfʌŋkʃən]
Reconsidering negotiation as a new organizational function: an empirical proposalComparing the function of the corticospinal system in different species: Organizational differences for motor specialization?2.6. Organizational Behavior and Organizational Function: Toward a Micro–Macro Theory of the Third Sector : The Third Sector Compar...The Relationship between Organizational Characteristics and the Structure of the Information Services FunctionThe relationship between organizational characteristics and the structure of the information services functionEconomies of Scale and Organizational Efficiency in Banking: A Profit- Function ApproachThe Links Between Objectives and Function in Organizational SponsorshipOutsourcing the human resource function: environmental and organizational characteristics that affect HR performanceActivational and organizational effects of estradiol on male behavioral neuroendocrine functionA Review of Literature: Individual Blame vs. Organizational Function Logics in Accident Analysis