Organization of African Unity
- Since the dissolution of the Organization of African Unity, Rotary is looking to obtain official relations with the newly formed African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Organization of African Unity (OAU)ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY: BAMAKO CONVENTION ON THE BAN OF THE IMPORT INTO AFRICA AND THE CONTROL OF TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENT AND ...The Organization of African Unity and African BordersIntraregional Conflict Management by the Organization of African UnityThe Organization of African Unity and Its Charter by Zdenek CervenkaThe Charter of the Organization of African UnityORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY MEMBER STATES: TREATY ESTABLISHING THE AFRICAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITYSecession and the Right of Self-Determination: An Organization of African Unity (OAU) DilemmaThe Organization of African Unity after Thirty Years by Yassin El-AyoutyThe Organization of African Unity and Its Role in Regional Conflict Resolution and Dispute Settlement: A Critical Evaluation