orebody英 ['ɔ:ˌbɒdɪ] 美 ['ɔˌbɒdɪ]
用作名词(n.)- Special drilling or adits outside orebody may be required.
可能要求在矿体外作专门钻探或坑探。 - But deepseated orebody is not drilled in this field.
OrebodyOrebodyFelsic metavolcanic rocks related to the Broken-Hill Pb-Zn-Ag Orebody, Australia – geology, depositional age, and timing of high-gr...Unusual mantle mineral group from chromitite orebody Cr-11 in Luobusa ophiolite of Yarlung-Zangbo suture zone, TibetGeochronology of the Sequence Hosting the Broken Hill Pb-Zn-Ag Orebody, AustraliaPatterns of mineralization and alteration below the porphyry copper orebody at El Salvador, ChileOrebody vertical structure and implications for ore-forming processes in the Xinxu bauxite deposit, Western Guangxi, ChinaPRESENT RESEARCH SITUATION AND TRENDS OF PROGNOSIS FOR CONCEALED OREBODYThe CanTung E Zone scheelite skarn orebody, Tungsten, Northwest Territories; oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope studiesTiming of interplay between hydrothermal and surface fluids in the Navan Zn plus Pb orebody, Ireland: Evidence from metal distributi...