order up英 [ˈɔ:də ʌp] 美 [ˈɔrdɚ ʌp]
OrderUp!Order UpOrder UpBeyond first‐order upwinding: The ultra‐sharp alternative for non‐oscillatory steady‐state simulation of convectionDeterministic Order-Up-To Level Policies in an Inventory Routing ProblemJoint demand fulfillment probability in a multi-item inventory system with independent order-up-to policiesOptimization of order‐up‐to‐s policies in two‐echelon inventory systems with periodic reviewControllable, observable and stable state space representations of a generalized order-up-to policyA Family of Exponentially-fitted Runge–Kutta Methods with Exponential Order Up to Three for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödin...Optimization of order-up-to- S policies for two-level inventory systems with compound Poisson demandA Simulation Study of Dynamic Order-up-to Policies in a Supply Chain with Non-Stationary Customer Demand and Information SharingDetermining order-up-to levels under periodic review for compound binomial (intermittent) demandA coordinated order-up-to inventory control policy for a single supplier and multiple buyers using electronic data interchange