oracy英 [ˈɔ:rəsi]
- The term oracy was coined by Andrew Wilkinson, a British researcher and educator, in the 1960s. This word is formed by analogy from literacy and numeracy.
Oracy: social facets of language learningFrom Oracy to Literacy: Changing Clinical PerceptionsOracy in the Classroom: Policy, Pedagogy, and Group Oral WorkLiteracy and Second Language OracyThinking voices: Work of the National Oracy ProjectThe Role of Oracy in Developing Comprehension in Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners.Making new media : Culture, semiotics, digital lit/oracyOXFORD APPLIED LINGUISTICS: Literacy And Second Language OracyVariable production of African American English across oracy and literacy contextsA study on the cultural values, perceptual learning styles, and attitudes toward oracy skills of Malaysian tertiary students