optate英 ['ɒpteɪt] 美 ['ɒpteɪt]
Influence of β-endoephin and selective agonist of μ-optate reception DAGO on lymphocyte proliferative activityOptate purchased by WebMDGaudia, pastores, optate : Sopran (Tenor) und Basso continuoOptateс-2016: the latest technologies of optical machine-tool industry and productionBewertung der Qualität endoskopisch gewonnener Ösophagusbioptate beim HundNew oxopnictates A(3)(I)M(V)O(4): Synthesis and crystal structure of A(3)AsO(4) (A = K, Rb, Cs) and K3BiO4New oxopnictates A(3)(I)M(V)O(4): Synthesis and crystal structure of A(3)AsO(4) (A = K, Rb, Cs) and K3BiO4Neue Oxopnictate AI 3MVO4: Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von A3AsO4 (A = K, Rb, Cs) und K3BiO4Pnictide und Oxopnictate der schweren Alkalimetalle : Darstellung, Charakterisierung und KristallchemieChemInform Abstract: New Oxopnictates AI3MVO4: Synthesis and Crystal Structure of A3AsO4 (A: K, Rb, Cs) and K3BiO4