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Remifentanil Patient-controlled Analgesia Should Be Routinely Available for Use in Labor: Proposer and OpposerTopics Under Debate - Is the Linear-No-Threshold Hypothesis Appropriate for Use in Radiation Protection?The use of combined spinal epidural anaesthesia for elective caesarean section is a waste of time and moneyEphedrine is the vasopressor of choice for obstetric regional anaesthesiaTopics Under Debate - The present ICRP protection quantities are seriously flawedProthese pour s'opposer au reflux gastrique dans l'×sophageTopics Under Debate - Does Exposure to Residential Radon Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer?Epidural blood patch is contraindicated in HIV-positive patients. Proposer.The Birth of BiopoliticsDecentralisation, participation and accountability in Sahelian forestry: legal instruments of political-administrative control