opposable英 [ə'pəʊzəbl] 美 [ə'poʊzəbəl]
opposable[ ə'pəuzəbl ]
- Having four feet with opposable first digits, as primates other than human beings.
四足如手的有四足和与其他脚趾相对的第一个足趾的; 如除人类以外的灵长类动物
Non-opposable triphalangeal thumb in an Italian family.MULTI-USER, OPPOSABLE VIEWING ANGLE DISPLAY SCREENMulti-user, opposable viewing angle display screenThe non-opposable triphalangeal thumb: a new technique of managementFamilial opposable triphalangeal thumbs associated with duplication of the big toes.Microsurgical reconstruction of opposable digits in mutilating hand injuries.Trapezio-metacarpal arthritis: The price of an opposable thumb!Microvascular double toe transfer for opposable digits--case report and rationale for treatmentOsteoplastic thumb ray restoration with or without secondary toe transfer for reconstruction of opposable basic hand function.Ungual asymmetry in the context of pedal symmetry in Ailuronyx (Reptilia Gekkonidae): modification for an opposable grip