opportunity英 [ˌɒpəˈtju:nəti] 美 [ˌɑpərˈtunəti]
(名词)- [C] [U]机会,时机 a favorable moment or occasion
opportunity[ ,ɔpə'tju:niti ]
用作名词 (n.)~+动词- opportunity arise时机一到
- opportunity arrive时机成熟
- opportunity come机会来了
- opportunity go机会失去了
- opportunity occur机会来了
- opportunity offer机会来了
- opportunity pass away机会错过了
- opportunity present itself机会来了
- opportunity slip away机会来了
动词+~- accept opportunity接受机会
- afford opportunity提供机会
- avail oneself of opportunity把握机会
- await opportunity等待时机
- choose opportunity选择时机
- create opportunity创造机会
- dally away opportunity放过机会,延误时机
- find opportunity找到机会
- furnish opportunity提供机会
- get opportunity得到机会
- give opportunity提供机会
- grasp opportunity抓住机会
- grab opportunity抓住机会
- have opportunity有机会
- lose opportunity失掉机会
- miss opportunity错过机会
- offer (sb) opportunity提供机会
- open up opportunity提供机会
- pass up opportunity放弃机会
- provide opportunity提供机会
- seize opportunity抓住机会
- take opportunity抓住时机,不失时机
- take up opportunity把握机会
- throw away opportunity丢掉机会
- utilize opportunity利用机会
- use opportunity利用机会
- wait opportunity等待机会
- waste opportunity错过机会
- watch for opportunity等候机会
形容词+~- abundant opportunity充分的机会
- ample opportunity足够的机会
- available opportunity可得到的机会
- best opportunity最好的机会
- better opportunity更好的机会
- capital opportunity绝好的机会
- commercial opportunity商机
- considerable opportunity值得重视的机会
- convenient opportunity合适的机会
- economic opportunity经济上的机会
- educational opportunity教育机会
- enviable opportunity令人羡慕的机会
- equal opportunities均等的机会
- every opportunity每个机会
- excellent opportunity良机
- exciting opportunity令人兴奋的机会
- favourable opportunity有利的机会
- fit opportunity合适的机会
- glorious opportunity绝好的机会
- golden opportunity绝好的机会,千载难逢的机会
- good opportunity好机会
- grand opportunity绝好的机会
- great opportunity重大机遇
- historic opportunity具有历史意义的时机
- ideal opportunity完美的时机
- limited opportunity有限的机会
- little opportunity很少的机会
- lost opportunity失去的机会
- marvellous opportunity难得的机会
- missed opportunity错过的机会
- much opportunity大量的机会
- new opportunity新的机会
- not much opportunity不多的机会
- once-in-a-lifetime opportunity可一不可再的机会
- perfect opportunity完美的时机
- plenty of opportunity大量机会
- precious of opportunity宝贵的机会
- rare opportunity难得的时机
- reasonable opportunity合理的时机
- splendid opportunity绝好的机会
- suitable opportunity合适的机会
- tremendous opportunity绝好的机会
- unique opportunity前所未有的机会
- unparalleled opportunity无与伦比的机会
- unprecedented opportunity空前的机会
- unrivalled opportunity无可比拟的机会
- valuable opportunity宝贵的机会
- wasted opportunity浪费了的机会
- welcome opportunity令人欣喜的机会
- wonderful opportunity绝妙的机会
名词+~- business opportunity商机
- career opportunity职业发展的机会
- employment opportunity就业机会
- investment opportunity投资机会
- job opportunity工作机会
- market opportunity市场机会
- photo opportunity(为要人或名人)拍照的机会
- sales opportunity销售机会
- training opportunity培训机会
介词+~- at available opportunity可得到的机会
- at earliest opportunity最早的机会
- at every opportunity每一个机会
- at first opportunity一有机会
- equality of opportunity机会均等
- take advantage of opportunity利用机会
- window of opportunity机会之门
~+介词- opportunity for …的机会
- opportunity for experiment实验的机会
- opportunity of …的机会
- opportunity of a lifetime千载难逢的机会
seize the opportunity抓住机遇,抓住机会
rare opportunity稀有机会,难得机会
equal opportunity机会均等
opportunity cost机会成本
business opportunity商业机会
take the opportunity利用机会,抓住机会
golden opportunity绝好的机会
unique opportunity唯一机会;极难得的机会
employment opportunity就业机会
investment opportunity投资机会
job opportunity工作机会,就业机会
opportunity to see广告能见机率;看见机会
economic opportunity经济机会
land of opportunity机会之地;机遇之地
at the first opportunity一有机会;尽快
opportunity to perform实践的机会;表现机会
photo opportunity拍照机会;(名人政要等)接受媒体拍照的时间
opportunity loss机会损失
equal employment opportunity同等就业机会,均等就业机会
at the earliest opportunity一有机会;尽快
opportunity, chance
opportunity, occasion, chance
opportunity 主要指能够去做某事,尤其是达到自己目的,实现某种愿望的好机会。如:You should make the most of your opportunities of seeing the country and learning the language.(你应该尽量利用你的机会去看看这个国家,学习它的语言。)
occasion 主要指“时机”,“场合”,也含有“机会”的意思。如:The flags are hung out on the occasion of the National Day.(每逢国庆节,国旗都悬持出来了。)
chance 多指偶然的机会,意外的机会,带有侥幸的意味。如:Even so, it was a lucky chance that he could do it.(即使如此,那也是他凭着侥幸才做到这点。)
用作名词(n.)- You must grasp this opportunity.
你必须抓住机会。 - We should seize the opportunity to counterattack.
现在,我们应乘机反攻。 - I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their hard work on the project.
我愿借此机会感谢每一位为这个项目辛勤工作的人。 - The opportunity has not yet arrived.
时机尚未成熟。 - He was waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.
Technological opportunity and spillovers of R&DA theory of entrepreneurial opportunity identification and developmentThe investment opportunity set and corporate financing, dividend, and compensation policies ☆Technological Opportunity and Spillovers of R & D: Evidence from Firms' Patents, Profits, and Market ValueWorld Development Report 2000/01 - Attacking Poverty: Opportunity, Empowerment and SecurityA Theory of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification and Development, Journal of Business Venturing, Jg. 18, S. 105-123Epidemiologic Study of Sleep Disturbances and Psychiatric Disorders: An Opportunity for Prevention?Ecosystem Structure and Function along Urban-Rural Gradients: An Unexploited Opportunity for EcologyAdditional evidence on the association between the investment opportunity set and corporate financing, dividend, and compensation po...Ford DE, Kamerow DB. Epidemiologic study of sleep disturbance and psychiatric disorders: an opportunity for prevention? JAMA 262: 14...