abbr.opposition 反对;opportunity 机会;opposed 反对的;opposite 对面的
WiFi-Opp:ad-hoc-less opportunistic networkingAntonym Dvorak: Piano Quartets Opp. 23 B. 53&87B. 162 Piano Quintets Opp. 5 B. 28&81 B. 155CutTools: a program implementing the OPP reduction method to compute one-loop amplitudesA survey of EPA/OPP and open literature on selected pesticide chemicals. III. Mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of benomyl and carben...Determination of ammonium in seawater based on the indophenol reaction with o-phenylphenol (OPP)Molecular characterization of group A streptococcal (GAS) oligopeptide permease (Opp) and its effect on cysteine protease productionInstitutional Ownership Differences and International Diversification: The Effects of Boards of Directors and Technological Opportun...Cardiovascular health and disease in women: Coronary heart disease in women: An overview (Myths, misperceptions, and missed opportun...The 1.8 A crystal structure of human cathepsin G in complex with Suc-Val-Pro-PheP-(OPh)2: a Janus-faced proteinase with two opposite...Compatibility of timber and non-timber forest product management in natural tropical forests: perspectives, challenges, and opportun...