opopanax英 [ə'pɒpənæks] 美 [ə'pɒpənæks]
opopanax[ əu'pɔpənæks ]
- n.an odorous gum resin formerly used in medicines
OPOPANAXOpopanaxOpopanaxPhthalides in Roots of Opopanax chironium.Constituents of opopanax oil: Sesquiterpene hydrocarbonsPhytochemical profiling of Opopanax persicus BoissPhytochemical profiling of Opopanax persicus BoissA new irregular diterpenoid from Opopanax chironiumA new dihydrofuranocoumarin from Opopanax hispidus (Friv.) Griseb.Essential oils of some Boswellia spp., Myrrh and OpopanaxPolyacetylenverbindungen, CXLIII. Die Polyine aus Opopanax chironium KchCoumarins from Opopanax chironium. New dihydrofuranocoumarins and differential induction of apoptosis by imperatorin and heraclenin.Etude phytochimique d'apiacées : selinum broteri, eryngium giganteum, ammi huntii, opopanax chironium.