2025-03-17 05:21:09
英 [ə'pɪnɪənd] 美 [ə'pɪnɪrnd]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    opinion[ ə'pinjənd ]

    • n.
      • a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty

        "my opinion differs from yours"


      • a belief or sentiment shared by most people; the voice of the people

        "he asked for a poll of public opinion"

        同义词:public opinionpopular opinionvox populi

      • a message expressing a belief about something; the expression of a belief that is held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof

        "his opinions appeared frequently on the editorial page"


      • the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision

        "opinions are usually written by a single judge"

        同义词:legal opinionjudgmentjudgement

      • the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)


      • a vague idea in which some confidence is placed



    public opinion民意;公众舆论

    in my opinion adv. 依我看来,在我看来

    opinion about有关…的意见

    opinion poll民意测验;选举投票

    personal opinion个人见解,个人意见

    in the opinion of据……的见解

    public opinion poll民意测验

    in one's opinion根据某人的看法;在……看来

    expert opinion专家意见;内行意见

    second opinion其他人的意见;补充性的意见

    a matter of opinion看法不同的问题

    legal opinion法律意见书;合法认定

    advisory opinion顾问意见,咨询意见

    opinion survey意见调查

    opinion leader意见领袖;舆论领袖

    considered opinion信念;考虑后的意见



    1. In my opinion, you shall compensate us for the short weight of30 tons.
    2. Courses completed: History of mass communication,88; China's communication history, 92; Media research, 90; Public opinion, 92; Conceptual analysis,88; Content analysis,90; Advertising,92; New media technology,94.
      所修课程:大众传播史,88分; 中国传播史,92分; 媒体研究,90分; 舆论学,92分; 概念分析,88分; 内容分析,90分; 广告学,92分; 新媒体方法,94分。
    3. Is a questionnaire answeredby 500 people truly representative of national opinion?


    Opinioned to the mat
    Opinioned Post Detection in Sina Weibo
    Universals: An opinioned introduction
    Study on the Category Architecture of Chinese Opinioned-subjective Text
    Construction of an Annotated Corpus for Chinese Opinioned-Subjective Texts
    Emotion Oriented Students' Opinioned Topic Detection for Course Reviews in Massive Open Online Course



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