operating expense
operating expense
- The cash payments to suppliers include the cash payments for purchases and cash payments for operating expenses.
Persistence of mutual fund operating characteristics: returns, turnover rates, and expense ratiosUnspecified Operating Expense Disclosure Requirements in New Zealand. Has FRS 9 Made a Difference?Operating Expense Ratios, Assets, and Economies of Scale in Equity Mutual FundsThe Operating Expense Puzzle of US Green Office BuildingsThe Effect of Plate Spacing on the Degree of Separation in Inclined Thermal Diffusion Columns with Fixed Operating ExpenseThe installation of an advanced power management system for reduced operating and maintenance expense in a cement millNew treatments for varicose veins Lack of robust evidence, longer operating time, and greater expense are limitationsHydro automation program improves efficiency and reduce operating expense at TVA. (Automation and Control)New Zealand operating expense disclosure: The impact of international financial reporting standards on early adoptersValue is lower when depreciation is an operating expense: a current issue