operatics英 [ɒpə'rætɪks] 美 [ɒpə'rætɪks]
OperaticsCinematic Operatics: HD Transmission QueenCinematic operatics: Branding and monetizationCoppola, Cimino: The Operatics of HistoryOPERATICS IN THE SYSTEM OF DEFENCE SCIENCES (MILITARY SCIENCES)The Operatics of Cabiria (1914): Intermediality in Early Italian CinemaThe Operatics of Detachment:Toscain the James Bond FilmQuantum of SolaceThe Operatics of Everyday Life, or, How Authenticity Was Defined in Late Imperial RussiaCinematic Operatics: Barbara Willis Sweete Directs Metropolitan Opera HD TransmissionsStarlight expression and Phantom operatics: technology, performance and the megamusical's aesthetic of the voice