opencast working[ˈəupənkɑ:st ˈwɜ:kɪŋ]
Respiratory health effects of opencast coalmining: a cross sectional study of current workers.Determination of the emission rate from various opencast mining operationsSoil physical parameters and earthworm populations associated with opencast coal working and land restorationSpontaneous succession on opencast mining sites: implications for bird biodiversityPM 10 levels in communities close to and away from opencast coal mining sites in Northeast EnglandVibration control in an opencast mine based on improved blast vibration predictorsAssessment of the status of work zone air environment due to opencast coal miningRaising the pH of high sulfate- and high Fe-content open-cast working waste pondsTracking and monitoring system for opencast minesDevelopment of Empirical Formulae to Determine Emission Rate from Various Opencast Coal Mining Operations