open to,open to,open to是什么意思,open to怎么读,open to的用法
2025-03-17 16:01:13
open to
英 [ˈəupən tu:] 美 [ˈopən tu]
  • 释义


  • 双语例句

    1. Don't lay yourself open to attack.
    2. The library is open to readers on every Friday.
    3. He is very modest and open to advice.
    4. The tournament is open to amateurs as well as professionals.
    5. The road bridge is now open to traffic.
    6. The children tore the cocoon open to see if there was a pupa.
    7. The bridge is now open to traffic.
    8. The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to the sunset daily.


    Analysis of the effect of conversion from open to closed surgical intensive care unit.
    Open-to-closed transition in apo maltose-binding protein observed by paramagnetic NMR.
    Contextual predictors of mental health service use among children open to child welfare
    Exclusive expression of C. elegans osm-3 kinesin gene in chemosensory neurons open to the external environment.
    The shield that never was: Societies with single-peaked preferences are more open to manipulation and control ☆
    Escherichia coli O157 incident associated with a farm open to members of the public.
    Why young consumers are not open to mobile marketing communication
    The Difficulties involved in Developing Business Models open to Innovation Communities: the Case of a Crowdsourcing Platform
    Stu2p Binds Tubulin and Undergoes an Open-to-Closed Conformational Change
    A randomized clinical trial comparing open to arthroscopic acromioplasty with mini-open rotator cuff repair for full-thickness rotat...



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