open loop gain英 [ˈəupən lu:p ɡein] 美 [ˈopən lup ɡen]
Open Loop GainRepeater open loop gain measurementOpen-loop gain limitations for push-pull off-chip drivers74 dB SNDR Multi-Loop Sturdy-MASH Delta-Sigma Modulator Using 35 dB Open-Loop Opamp GainBaroreflexes of the rat. III. Open-loop gain and electroencephalographic arousal.Estimation of open-loop gain of canine arterial pressure control system by a new methodBaroreflex open-loop gain and arterial pressure compensation in hemorrhagic hypotension.Control parameters of the blood-pressure regulatory system. 2. Open-loop gain, reference pressure and basal heartrate.Coupling between feedback loops in autoregulatory networks affects bistability range, open-loop gain and switching timesVariable open-loop gain in the control of thermogenesis in cold-exposed rabbits.