OPEC英 [ˈəʊpek] 美 [ˈoʊpek]
abbr.Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织;
OPEC[ 'əupek ]
- OPEC freezes output, sees prices easing.
OPEC and the monopoly price of world oil ☆Does OPEC matter? An econometric analysis of oil pricesInscrutable OPEC? Behavioral Tests of the Cartel HypothesisA Ten-Year Retrospective: OPEC and the World Oil MarketTen-year retrospective on OPEC and the world oil marketOPEC and World Crude Oil Markets from 1973 to 1994: Cartel, Oligopoly, or Competitive?Hodel: OPEC members honoring agreement to maintain $18 oil price. (Donald P. Hodel)Pricing policies for a two-part exhaustible resource cartel : The case of OPEC ☆Electricity consumption and economic growth: Bounds and causality analyses of OPEC membersAdvanced neuroblastoma: improved response rate using a multiagent regimen (OPEC) including sequential cisplatin and VM-26.