opalize英 ['əʊpəlaɪz] 美 ['oʊpəlˌaɪz]
opalize[ 'əupəlaiz ]
- v.
- make opalescent
- replace or convert into opal
"opalized tree trunks"
Process of gaseous opalization of light bulbsAerosols as climate regulators: A climate-biosphere linkage?Fracture Origins of Clinically Failed Bilayer All-Ceramic Dental CrownsPreparation and properties of opaque glass containing fluoride and phosphideAllelopathic Effects of Anaphalis Lacteal Aqueous Extract on Four Species of Gramineous grasseson Alpine Degraded Grassland of ZoigeDie gebruik van liggaamsportrette deur opvoeders in die vervulling van hulle pastorale rol (Afrikaans)Die gebruik van liggaamsportrette deur opvoeders tydens vervulling van hulle pastorale rolAnnales de Médecine Vétérinaire["Benign mucus membrane pemphigoid"with rapid loss of sight and eneralized scarring skin changes]Polymer Photovoltaic Cells: Enhanced Efficiencies via a Network of Internal Donor-Acceptor Heterojunctions