- An op-ed, abbreviated from opposite the editorial pageOp-ed. (2010).
OP-EDOP-EDOP-EDOP-ED Trojan horse or teacher's pet? computers and the culture of the schoolOP-ED Approaches to international comparative research on curricula and curriculum-making processesAfter more than 30 years, William Safire is relinquishing his spot on the New York Times op-ed pageSource and content diversity in Op-Ed Pages: assessing editorial strategies in The New York Times and the Washington PostCuban Op-Ed: The Laptop Revolution Has No ClothesOP-ED What happens to the common school in the market?Source and content diversity in Op-Ed Pages: assessing editorial strategies in and theDaring to Be Heard: Advertorials by Organized Interests on the Op-Ed Page of The New York Times , 1985-1998OP-ED The 'academic problem'Every Thursday: advertorials by Mobil Oil on the op-ed page of The New York Times