abbr.on-off keying 通断键控,开关键控;
An Energy-Efficient OOK Transceiver for Wireless Sensor NetworksA 350μW CMOS MSK transmitter and 400μW OOK super-regenerative receiver for Medical Implant CommunicationsA low-power fully integrated 60GHz transceiver system with OOK modulation and on-board antenna assemblyA 350 $\mu$ W CMOS MSK Transmitter and 400 $\mu$W OOK Super-Regenerative Receiver for Medical Implant CommunicationsA Low-Power Low-Cost Fully-Integrated 60-GHz Transceiver System With OOK Modulation and On-Board Antenna AssemblyInternationale estate planning: Ook regels van internationaal huwelijksvermogensrecht binnen EU geharmoniseerd. Hoofdlijnen van het ...Centralized Lightwave WDM-PON Employing 16-QAM Intensity Modulated OFDM Downstream and OOK Modulated Upstream SignalsAn optical network unit for wdm access networks with downstream dpsk and upstream remodulated ook data using injection-locked fp laserAn optical network unit for WDM access networks with downstream DPSK and upstream re-modulated OOK data using injection-locked FP la...The peritrophic membrane as a barrier: its penetration by Plasmodium gallinaceum and the effect of a monoclonal antibody to ookinetes.