Onychophora[ ,ɔni'kɔfərə ]
- n.enigmatic small elongated wormlike terrestrial invertebrates of damp dark habitats in warm regions; distinct from the phylum Annelida; resemble slugs with legs and are sometimes described as the missing link between arthropods and annelids
同义词:class Onychophora
Evolution of the Annelida, Onychophora and ArthropodaEST sequencing of Onychophora and phylogenomic analysis of Metazoa.Sympatric cryptic species in New Zealand OnychophoraA hemocyanin from the Onychophora and the emergence of respiratory proteinsReview of the Peripatopsidae (Onychophora) in Australia, with comments on peripatopsid relationshipsA revision of brain composition in Onychophora (velvet worms) suggests that the tritocerebrum evolved in arthropodsStudies on the Onychophora. VII. The Early Embryonic Stages of Peripatopsis, and Some General Considerations Concerning the Morpholo...Pheromonally mediated colonization patterns in the velvet worm Euperipatoides rowelli (Onychophora)Morphological, cytogenetic and allozymic variation within Cephalofovea (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae) with descriptions of three new ...Mitochondrial DNA sequences support allozyme evidence for cryptic radiation of New Zealand Peripatoides (Onychophora)