onomatopoetic英 [mætəpɒ'etɪk] 美 [mætəpɒ'etɪk]
onomatopoetic[ ,ɔnə,mætəpəu'etik ]
Onomatopoetic factor in a music class of school for children with mental retardationAcoustic characteristics of onomatopoetic expressions in child-directed speechComparative Study of Onomatopoetic Words in English and Chinese and Their TranslationFUNCTIONAL-SEMANTIC CLASSIFICATION OF ONOMATOPOETIC WORDS OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGEGraph-based clustering for semantic classification of onomatopoetic wordsGraph-based Clustering for Semantic Classication of Onomatopoetic WordsTHE PROBLEM OF SEMANTIC CLASSIFICATION OF THE JAPANESE ONOMATOPOETIC WORDSMasticatory mandibular movements for different foods textures related to onomatopoetic words.Relationship between perceptual surface qualities and distinctive features in onomatopoetic expressionB10. Determining the Boundaries Between Japanese Onomatopoetic Words Using Synthetic Impact Sounds(Summaries of Talks at the 17^ Gen...