onomastics英 [ˌɒnəˈmæstɪks] 美 [ˌɑnəˈmæstɪks]
onomastics[ ,ɔnəu'mæstiks ]
- n.the branch of lexicology that studies the forms and origins of proper names
Literary Onomastics and Language TechnologyLiterary Onomastics and Language TechnologySaramaka Onomastics: An Afro-American Naming SystemPharmacological Onomastics: What's in a name?What IS a Name? Reflections on OnomasticsNames in Focus: an Introduction to Finnish OnomasticsToward a Theory of Nicknames: A Case for Socio-OnomasticsMebengokre (Kayapo) Onomastics: A Facet of Houses as Total Social Facts in Central BrazilSlave Naming Patterns: Onomastics and the Taxonomy of Race in Eighteenth-Century JamaicaThe ‘dialect myth’ and socio-onomastics. The names of the castles of Bellinzona in an integrational perspective