only if英 [ˈəunli if] 美 [ˈonli ɪf]
only if
- adv.never except when
同义词:onlyonly when
if only, only if, as if, even if
if only但愿,希望,标示一种强烈的愿望,后接虚拟语气
only if只有在……的时候,表示对条件的强调
as if好像,仿佛,表比较
even if及时,表让步
用作连词(conj.)- The sale will only go ahead if the serial numbers match.
只有当序号都相符合时,销售才能继续进行。 - The only time to dress up is when your jeans are dirty.
Singleton (Mathematics)(1.1) bF(xi'""xdnd;tx'""lddtx)d•,rRegaining employment reduces distress only if finances improveOnly if.Only ifMice Lacking Bioactive IL-12 Can Generate Protective, Antigen-Specific Cellular Responses to Mycobacterial Infection Only if the IL-...CD4+ T cells migrate into inflamed skin only if they express ligands for E- and P-selectin.Eotaxin activates T cells to chemotaxis and adhesion only if induced to express CCR3 by IL-2 together with IL-4.Green Management Matters Only If It Yields More Green: An Economic/Strategic PerspectiveVasodilating prostaglandins attenuate ischemic renal injury only if thromboxane is inhibited