2025-03-18 04:41:06
英 [ˈɒnlʊkə(r)] 美 [ˈɑnlʊkə(r)]
  • n.


  • 变形



    onlooker[ 'ɔn,lukə, 'ɔ:n- ]

    • n.someone who looks on



    1. His manner is that of an onlooker.
    2. The onlooker affirmed the fact to be true.
    3. He fell into the water, much to the entertainment of the onlookers.
    4. By the time the ambulance had arrived, a crowd of onlookers had gathered.


    Improved Onlooker Bee Phase in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
    “The Onlooker Sees the Game Best”?Divergent Perception of Bias in Self versus Others
    ERbeta in breast cancer--onlooker, passive player, or active protector?
    The Infant as Onlooker: Learning from Emotional Reactions Observed in a Television Scenario
    RIP1's function in NF-kappaB activation: from master actor to onlooker.
    To take responsibility or to be an onlooker. Nursing students' experiences of two models of supervision.
    The Effectiveness of Fatal Vision Goggles: Disentangling Experiential versus Onlooker Effects.
    The pain of a model in the personality of an onlooker: influence of state-reactivity and personality traits on embodied empathy for ...
    Children's and Adults' Attributions of Emotion to a Wrongdoer: The Influence of the Onlooker's Reaction
    Motor facilitation during action observation: topographic mapping of the target muscle and influence of the onlooker's posture



    one quarter,one... one quarter英 [wʌn ˈkwɔ:tə] 美 [wʌn ˈkwɔrtɚ] ...
    one shot,one sh... one shot英 [wʌn ʃɔt] 美 [wʌn ʃɑt] ...
    one sort or ano... one sort or another
    one person hous... one person house-hold
    one party,one p... one party英 [wʌn ˈpɑ:ti] 美 [wʌn ˈpɑrti] ...
    one the other h... one the other hand
    one step ahead,... one step ahead英 [wʌn step əˈhed] 美 [wʌn stɛp əˈhɛd...
    one street,one ... one street
    one third,one t... one third英 [wʌn θɜ:d] 美 [wʌn θəd] ...
    one way or anot... one way or another英 [wʌn wei ɔ: əˈnʌðər] 美 [wʌn we...
    One way ticket,... One way ticket
    one thousand,on... one thousand英 [wʌn ˈθaʊzənd] 美 [wʌn ˈθaʊzənd] ...
    one too many,on... one too many英 [wʌn tu: ˈmeni] 美 [wʌn tu ˈmɛni] ...
    one time,one ti... one time英 [wʌn taim] 美 [wʌn taɪm] ...
    one's own undoi... one's own undoing
    one's own flesh... one's own flesh and blood[wʌnz əun fleʃ ænd blʌd] ...
    one's number is... one's number is up[wʌnz ˈnʌmbə iz ʌp] ...
    one week,one we... one week英 [wʌn wi:k] 美 [wʌn wik] ...
    one-act play,on... one-act play英 [wʌn ækt pleɪ] 美 [wʌn ækt pleɪ] ...
    one-base hit,on... one-base hit英 [ˈwʌnˌbeɪs] 美 [ˈwʌnˌbes] ...