online banking,online banking,online banking是什么意思,online banking怎么读,online banking的用法
2025-03-18 05:20:23
online banking


Online banking

  • Online banking (or Internet banking or E-banking) allows customers of a financial institution to conduct financial transactions on a secure website operated by the institution, which can be a retail or virtual bank, credit union or building society.



Online banking: a field study of drivers, development challenges, and expectations
Borneo online banking: evaluating customer perceptions and behavioural intention
Personal online banking with integrated online statement and checkbook user interface
Consumer acceptance of online banking: an extension of the technology acceptance model
An investigation into the acceptance of online banking in Saudi Arabia
Factors underlying attitude formation towards online banking in Finland
The role of consumer innovativeness and perceived risk in online banking usage
The role of security, privacy, usability and reputation in the development of online banking
The relationship between consumer innovativeness, personal characteristics, and online banking adoption
Information systems continuance intention of web-based applications customers: The case of online banking



on the surface,... on the surface英 [ɔn ðə ˈsə:fis] 美 [ɑn ði ˈsɚfəs] ...
on the strength... on the strength of英 [ɔn ðə streŋθ ɔv] 美 [ɑn ði str...
on the subject ... on the subject of英 [ɔn ðə ˈsʌbdʒikt ɔv] 美 [ɑn ði ˈ...
on the stroke,o... on the stroke英 [ɔn ðə strəuk] 美 [ɑn ði strok] ...
on the table,on... on the table英 [ɔn ðə ˈteibl] 美 [ɑn ði ˈtebəl] ...
on the top of,o... on the top of
on the threshol... on the threshold of英 [ɔn ðə ˈθreʃhəuld ɔv] 美 [ɑn ð...
on the top of t... on the top of the world
on the take,on ... on the take英 [ɔn ðə teik] 美 [ɑn ði tek] ...
on the tip of m... on the tip of my tongue
on the track of... on the track of英 [ɔn ðə træk ɔv] 美 [ɑn ði træk ʌv]...
on the turn,on ... on the turn英 [ɔn ðə tə:n] 美 [ɑn ði tɚn] ...
on the trail,on... on the trail英 [ɔn ðə treil] 美 [ɑn ði trel] ...
on the verge,on... on the verge
on the understa... on the understanding that英 [ɔn ðə ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ ðæ...
on the wane,on ... on the wane英 [ɔn ðə weɪn] 美 [ɑn ði wen] ...
on the wagon,on... on the wagon英 [ɔn ðə ˈwæɡən] 美 [ɑn ði ˈwæɡən] ...
on the warpath,... on the warpath英 [ɔn ðə ˈwɔ:pɑ:θ] 美 [ɑn ði ˈwɔrˌpæθ...
on the verge of... on the verge of英 [ɔn ðə və:dʒ ɔv] 美 [ɑn ði vɚdʒ ʌv...
on the watch,on... on the watch英 [ɔn ðə wɔtʃ] 美 [ɑn ði wɑtʃ] ...