one and the same,one and the same,one and the same是什么意思,one and the same怎么读,one and the same的用法
2025-03-18 13:00:59
one and the same
英 [wʌn ænd ðə seim] 美 [wʌn ənd ði sem]
  • 释义

    (表示强调)就是同一个;同一个, 完全一样;

  • 双语例句

    1. She and her sister-in-law work in the same company.
    2. I put all the files in one folder.


    One and the Same
    One, and the Same
    One and the same.
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    Are child-, adolescent-, and adult-onset depression one and the same disorder?
    Autobiographical and episodic memory--one and the same? Evidence from prefrontal activation in neuroimaging studies
    Learning to read and learning to spell are one and the same, almost.
    Sport tourism or event tourism: are they one and the same?
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    Are worry, rumination, and post-event processing one and the same? Development of the repetitive thinking questionnaire
    Prostatodynia and interstitial cystitis: one and the same?
    Are cognitive g and academic achievement g one and the same g ? An exploration on the Woodcock–Johnson and Kaufman tests
    Trigger points and tender points: one and the same? Does injection treatment help?



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