one after another英 [wʌn ˈɑ:ftə əˈnʌðər] 美 [wʌn ˈæftɚ əˈnʌðɚ]
one after another
- He rode roughshod over one opponent after another.
他把他的对手一个接一个地击败了。 - They all go down like ninepins one after the other.
One After Another...ONE AFTER ANOTHEROne After AnotherApparatus for causing articles separately supplied by grip means to be deposited in a row one after anotherCHEMISTRY: One After AnotherExtreme water-hammer pressure during one-after-another load shedding in pumped-storage stationsCharacteristics of M≥5.0 Earthquakes Occurring One after Another around Source Area in Chinese Mainland since 2000 and Its PredictionWhy ghosts don't touch: a tale of two adventurers falling one after another into a black holeDevelopment of a New Traction Method to Suppress the Wheel Slip One After AnotherCompacting plant for bulk materials comprises two delivery shafts arranged one after another in front of screw feeder supplying comp...A Study of One after Another Determination of Microamount Sb and Bi in Cu Electrolyte by Dual Wavelength SpectrophotometryAnalysis of hypersonic viscous flow about bluff cylinders place one after anotherManagement Model for Two Parallel FIFO Queues Moving One after Another in Shared Memory