on-hook英 [ənhʊk] 美 [ənhʊk]
- In telephony, the term on-hook has the following meanings:
on-hookOn-HookEffect of tool geometry on hook formation and static strength of friction stir spot welded aluminum 5754-O sheetsHooking Up in the College Context: The Event-Level Effects of Alcohol Use and Partner Familiarity on Hookup Behaviors and ContentmentEffects of different factors on immature embryo culture, PLBs differentiation and rapid mass multiplication of Coelogyne suaveolens ...More on "hook effects"in immunometric assays for prostate-specific antigenOn hooks of Young diagramsEffects of three-dimensional assessment on surgical correction and on hook strategies in multi-hook instrumentation for adolescent i...Commentaries on Hook, ‘Genealogy, discourse, ‘Effective History’: Foucault and the work of critique’A new species of Astyanax (Characiformes, Characidae) from Uruguay river basin in Argentina, with remarks on hook presence in Charac...