2025-03-18 17:00:50
英 美
  • adj.(尤指紧急情况下)随叫随到的
  • 网络待命;待命值班;随时待命

  • 双语例句

    1.Onlyshetoldhimisoncall,regardlessofclassordoinganythingelse.Hewill do anything togooutwithher.只有她叫他一定是随叫随到的,不管是上课还是在做其他的什么。他会想尽办法出去陪她。www.qqmeiwen.com2.Evenathome,Sandrawasoncallandwasreadyto work at any time.即使是在家里,珊德拉也随时待命准备上工。www.tingroom.com3.So something that might beareasonablerequestifIhadtheresourcesofanextrapersononcallcan become a hardshipforme.所以若我有额外的人力电话待命为我吃苦耐劳这种的资源,有时好像是有道理的。www.jukuu.com4."You may be able tobalancethesedemands out a bit.Asaconsultant,youcanbeoncalltoclients all the time."“你可以平衡这些要求。作为咨询顾问,你对客户要随时待命。”5.Cookexpectstheexecutives who work closelywithhimtobeoncallatallhours,[formerAppleexecutiveMike]Janessaid.Cook希望和他密切接触的高管能在任何时候都电话在线,(前任苹果高管Mike)Janes说。6.Ourcarisalwaysoncalltotakeyou to the company.我们的汽车可随时接你到公司。test.2u4u.com.cn7.i'msorry.he'sunavailable . dr .wileyisoncall if you ' dlikemetopage him for you.很抱歉,他不在,当班的是威利医生如果你需要我可以帮您呼他。www.ichacha.net8.MustbelocaltoMiami,FLincaseofoncallsupportthattheofficemayneed.必须是本地的迈阿密,在佛罗里达州的情况下呼叫支持该办公室可能需要。www.faqfreelancer.com9.Forobviousreasonsyouareatpresentthefocusofourattention,butweareoncalltoanycivilisationthroughouttheUniverse.由于明显的原因,你们目前是我们关注的焦点,但是我们为遍及宇宙的任何文明随时待命。www.angozj.com10.Aroundheadquartersthetwoaideswereoncallconstantly,butforjeeptravelingwiththegeneraltheytoolalternatedays.在处理指挥部附近的事务时,两个助手经常是随叫随到,但在将军乘吉普车外出视察时,他们两人则轮流陪同。kcpt.cidp.edu.cn
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    On call
    Association of workload of on-call medical interns with on-call sleep duration, shift duration, and participation in educational act...
    Disturbed sleep while being on-call: an EEG study of ships' engineers
    Longitudinal relationship of work hours, mandatory overtime, and on-call to musculoskeletal problems in nurses.
    Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, and Drugs
    Patient outcomes in academic medical centers: influence of fellowship programs and in-house on-call attending surgeon.
    Neonatology: Management, Procedures, On-Call Problems, Diseases, and Drugs
    Clinical consequences of misinterpretations of neuroradiologic CT scans by on-call radiology residents
    Neurobehavioral effects of the on-call experience in housestaff physicians



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