2025-03-18 17:01:33

  • na.断断续续;偶尔;(航海)时而靠岸时而离岸地;不规则地
  • 网络药效波动
  • 英英释义


    • adv.not regularly

      同义词:off and onon and off


    1.Thiswasafterwe'd been fucking agoodcoupleofhours,onandoff;andIhavetosayIwasfeeling quite impressed at my ownstamina.这断断续续是,我们好好的性交了几个小时,并且我必须说我感觉压抑我自己的生殖器。ufoufoandak47-99.spaces.live.com2.GivehimjustalittletimetosettleinEngland,onandoff the pitch,andhewillbeasensationalplayer.给他在英格兰适应的时间,无论子啊场上还是在场下,他将会是一个不可思议的球员。lfcbbs.fans1.com3.And I believe, from what Iknowofhim,hewasa bitofarake.Webivouackedtogetheronandoff for nearly twoyears.另外以我对他的了解,这是个有点浪子气息的家伙,我们偶尔一起出去露营,这种事持续了大概两年。4.Thesecondadvanceisawayofswitchingthousandsofvoltsonandoffinafew billionths of a second,apreviouslyimpossiblefeat.第二个是可在数亿分之一秒的时间里实现数千伏电压的通断,这是一项前所未有的成就。www.ecocn.org5.Besuretocheckinregularlyonthis websites as Iwill be writing inallseason long to tell youaboutmylifeonandoffthecourt.大家一定要常来这儿看看,我会在整个赛季中在博客上记录我球场内外的生活。blog.titan24.com6.Commendably,noneofthesemethodsareenabledbydefault,andeach(along with an FTPserver)canbeindividuallytoggledonandoff.值得称赞的,没有这些方法是默认启用,每个(随着FTP伺服器)可以单独切换和关闭。7.Suchaburstmodetransmitterisabletoturnonandoffinshorttime.这样一个突发模式传输者能够在短时间之内被打开或者关闭。instapedia.com8.donotrideabikewithabeamofmen,soasnot to get onandoffinconvenient.不要骑带横梁的男式自行车,以免上下车不方便。citynoon.com9.Thetroublewasthateveryone kept getting onandoff the bus atallthestopsbetweendowntownandhisbathhouse.在市区去他浴室的路途上,乘客在所有的站点都不停的上下,这很麻烦。10.Shewasoneof the last great starsofHollywood'sGolden Age,knownbothonandoff the screen for her irreverence andindependence.她是好莱坞黄金时代巨星中仅存的几位中的一个,台前幕后都以不屈和独立闻名。
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    The ergodic fading interference channel with an on-and-off relay.
    The ergodic fading interference channel with an on-and-off relay
    Reliving Museum Visiting Experiences on-and-off the Spot
    The antagonism between on-and-off systems in the cat's retina



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    on side,on side... on side英 [ɔn said] 美 [ɑn saɪd] ...
    on someone's be... on someone's behalf
    on someone's si... on someone's side
    on someone's ow... on someone's own
    on someone's ho... on someone's honour
    on someone's wa... on someone's way
    on someone's mi... on someone's mind ...
    on stilts,on st... on stilts ...
    on speaking ter... on speaking terms ...
    on someone's wa... on someone's way to
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