on your own英 [ɔn jɔ: əun] 美 [ɑn jʊr on]
- They all helped in trying to set him on his feet.
他们大家都帮助他独立地生活。 - However, you must write up your results individually and indicate the names of your collaborators.
On Your OwnOn Your OwnOn your ownResearch Assignment Handout (05/25/07) International Political Economy (ipe)Lunch [on your own]Unless you go online you are on your own: blogging as a bridge in para-sportMoving in and Getting Settled - Ordering Phone, Utilities, and Internet Services: Moving Out on Your Own (Grades 9-12) (eLesson Plan)Session: Lunch on Your Own (Society for Social Work and Research 14th Annual Conference: Social Work Research: A WORLD OF POSSIBILIT...On Your Own Without a Net: The Transition to Adulthood for Vulnerable PopulationsSave the World on Your Own Time.Save the World on Your Own Time.Save the World on Your Own TimeYou’re on Your Own: Community Vulnerability and the Need for Awareness and Education for Predicatable Natural Disasters