on the top of,on the top of,on the top of是什么意思,on the top of怎么读,on the top of的用法
2025-03-18 20:01:31
on the top of


High prevalence of cutaneous human papillomavirus DNA on the top of skin tumors but not in "Stripped"biopsies from the same tumors.
Task Migration on the top of the Mach Microkernel.
De-coupling capacitor on the top of the silicon die by eutectic flip bonding
High-energy cosmic-ray physics with an EAS array on the top of the Gran Sasso Laboratory
Forslund O, Lindelof B, Hradil E et alHigh prevalence of cutaneous human papillomavirus DNA on the top of skin tumors but not in “S...
Comment on ‘Paleokarst on the top of the Maokou Formation: Further evidence for domal crustal uplift prior to the Emeishan flood vo...
Energy-balance model validation on the top of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, using eddy covariance data
Why more ‘quality time’ is not on the top of children's lists: the ‘qualities of time’ for children
Reply to comment on ‘Paleokarst on the top of the Maokou Formation: further evidence for domal crustal uplift prior to the Emeishan...
User interface for a display screen on the top of a portable computer



on one hand,on ... on one hand
on oath,on oath... on oath英 [ɔn əuθ] 美 [ɑn oθ] ...
on offer,on off... on offer英 [ɔn ˈɔfə] 美 [ɑn ˈɔfɚ] ...
on one level,on... on one level
on occasion,on ... on occasion英 [ɔn əˈkeiʒən] 美 [ɑn əˈkeʒən] ...
on one's accoun... on one's account[ɔn wʌnz əˈkaunt] ...
on one's consci... on one's conscience[ɔn wʌnz ˈkɔnʃəns] ...
on one's feet,o... on one's feet[ɔn wʌnz fi:t] ...
on one occasion... on one occasion英 [ɔn wʌn əˈkeiʒən] 美 [ɑn wʌn əˈkeʒ...
on one's behalf... on one's behalf[ɔn wʌnz biˈhɑ:f] ...
on one's honour... on one's honour[ɔn wʌnz ˈɔnə] ...
on one's heels,... on one's heels
on one's head,o... on one's head ...
on one's guard,... on one's guard[ɔn wʌnz ɡɑ:d] ...
on one's honor,... on one's honor英 [ɔn wʌnz ˈɔnə] 美 [ɑn wʌnz ˈɑnɚ] ...
on one's own,on... on one's own[ɔn wʌnz əun] ...
on one's own ac... on one's own account[ɔn wʌnz əun əˈkaunt] ...
on one's should... on one's shoulders ...
on one's own in... on one's own initiative[ɔn wʌnz əun iˈniʃiətiv] ...
on one's mind,o... on one's mind[ɔn wʌnz maind] ...