on the prowl,on the prowl,on the prowl是什么意思,on the prowl怎么读,on the prowl的用法
2025-03-18 22:20:24
on the prowl
英 [ɔn ðə praʊl] 美 [ɑn ði praʊl]
  • adv.


  • 英英释义

    On the Prowl

    • On the Prowl is the first EP by the Australian band Operator Please. It was originally recorded by Roulf Commandeur in his home studio Musical Solutions, and limited to a release of about 300 handmade copies.



    1. There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.
    2. He prowled the streets for hours.


    On the prowl
    On the Prowl
    National City on the Prowl
    Paper Tigers on the Prowl: Rumors, Violence and Agency in the Up-Country of Sri Lanka
    Cougars on the prowl? New perceptions of older women's sexuality
    Vidding and the perversity of critical pleasure: Sex, violence, and voyeurism in "Closer"and "On the Prowl"
    Stakeholders on the Prowl
    A New Breed of Youth Gang Is On the Prowl and a Bigger Threat Than Ever.
    Tiger on the prowl: Invasion history and spatio-temporal genetic structure of the Asian tiger mosquitoAedes albopictus(Skuse 1894) i...
    Prudes on the Prowl:Fiction and Obscenity in England, 1850 to the Present Day
    On the Prowl for the Big Cat of Belize ; in Central America's Jungle, the Jaguar Is the Animal Everyone Wants to See, Says Simon Hep...
    Predators on the Prowl



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    on a regular ba... on a regular basis英 [ɔn ə ˈreɡjulə ˈbeisis] 美 [ɑn ...
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    on a roll,on a ... on a roll英 [ɔn ə rəul] 美 [ɑn e rol] ...
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    on a weekly bas... on a weekly basis
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    on account,on a... on account英 [ɔn əˈkaunt] 美 [ɑn əˈkaʊnt] ...
    on a...scale,on... on a...scale