on the grounds that
用作连词(conj.)- The TV set was damaged from rough usage.
这架电视机由于使用太不小心而损坏了。 - Her spirit was wrenched with grief at the loss.
她由于这一损失而极度悲伤。 - He will judge the case solely on its merits.
他将完全根据是非曲直审理这一案件。 - The TV play was based on real life.
The pundits are saying that Tony Blair will call for a general election as early as May 5, on the grounds that the polls show him ea...The EU Court of Justice annuls a decision of the Commission requesting information on the ground that the decision did not sufficien...Equality of treatment in social security: can certain benefits be paid at different rates to men and women on the ground that the la...To argue against open access on the grounds that it damages the reach of research is to undersell research.The Austrian Supreme Court rejects a request to seal electronic data collected during an inspection on the grounds that they were no...A Statesman who attended a meeting of a Chamber of Commerce rose to speak, but was objected to on the ground that he had nothing to ...Oppose the 2010 elections on the grounds that they will further entrench the military rule in Burma"largely on the grounds that Boeing's 787 design does not violate any FAA regulations or standards."US TTAB bars registration of the mark A-HOLE PATROL on the ground that the mark is immoral or scandalousThe Italian Constitutional Court dismisses State aid claim on the grounds that the provisions of measures to combat tax evasion is n...