on the corner,on the corner,on the corner是什么意思,on the corner怎么读,on the corner的用法
2025-03-19 02:21:28
on the corner
英 [ɔn ðə ˈkɔ:nə] 美 [ɑn ði ˈkɔrnɚ]
  • 释义


  • 同近义词辨析

    at the corner, on the corner, in the corner

    at the corner物体外部的角落上(拐角处)

    on the corner 物体表面的角上,on the corner of the table

    in the corner物体内部的角落里,


    1. There is a public convenience on the corner of the street.
    2. The house is on the corner; you can't miss it.
      那房子就在拐角处; 你不会找不到的。
    3. I'll set you down on the corner of your street.
    4. I banged my elbow on the corner of the table.
    5. I bought aspirin at the chemist's on the corner.
    6. I bought some medicine at the druggist's on the corner.
    7. He fell and hit his head on the corner of a box.


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    Battlin' on the Corner: Techniques for Sustaining Play
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    Russian Investigations and Deep Water Fishery on the Corner Rising Seamount in Subarea 6
    The effect of couple-stresses on the corner singularity due to an asymmetric shear loading *
    Phase-Sensitive measurements on the corner junction of iron-based superconductor BaFe1.8Co0.2As2
    Anthropogenic Impacts on the Corner Rise Seamounts, NW Atlantic
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