on one's behalf[ɔn wʌnz biˈhɑ:f]
Old-Age Security for Ex-Parliamentarians in Four OECD Countries: Decisions on One's Own BehalfOn one's own behalfSpeaking on one's own behalf. Primitivity, the word and the speech act in Soren Kierkegaard[On one's own behalf or the "pro domo"impact factor]On one's own behalfOn testifying in one's own behalf: Interactive effects of evidential strength and defendant's testimonial demeanor on mock jurors' d...On the decision to testify in one's own behalf: Effects of withheld evidence, defendant's sexual preferences, and juror dogmatism on...The Effects of Legal Act on Behalf of Other One's NameMaugeri Respiratory Failure questionnaire reduced form: A method for improving the questionnaire using the Rasch modelFRI0579 Influence of oral prednisolone on effect of denosumab on osteoporosis in patients with japanese rheumatoid arthritis; 24 mo...