on guard,on guard,on guard是什么意思,on guard怎么读,on guard的用法
2025-03-19 10:21:31
on guard
英 [ɔn ɡɑ:d] 美 [ɑn ɡɑrd]
  • 释义


  • 英英释义

    on guard

    • adj.vigilant

      同义词:on one's guard(p)upon one's guard(p)on your guard


    1. He reported the murder to the police on duty.
    2. There was no fireman on when the fire broke out.
    3. Keep a vigilant eye on the imperialist jackals.
    4. Put none but Americans on guard tonight.


    On Guard.
    On guard
    On guard—activating NK cell receptors
    On guard|[mdash]|activating NK cell receptors
    Bcl-2 family on guard at the ER.
    Bcl-2 family on guard at the ER
    On guard vehicle safety warning system
    Plant Adaptation to Fluctuating Environment and Biomass Production Are Strongly Dependent on Guard Cell Potassium Channels
    Ultrastructural and histochemical studies on guard cells
    Anti-apoptotic proteins on guard of melanoma cell survival
    Effects of cytosolic calcium and limited, possible dual, effects of G protein modulators on guard cell inward potassium channels
    OnGuard, a computational platform for quantitative kinetic modeling of guard cell physiology.



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