on foot英 [ɔn fut] 美 [ɑn fʊt]
- We covered seventeen miles on foot.
我们步行了十七英里。 - Pat looks better outside of a horse than no foot.
On FootOn FootOn FootNavigation device for personnel on footAntigenic sites on foot-and-mouth disease virus type A10Wayfinding on foot from information in retinal, not optical, flowThe effect of pes cavus on foot pain and plantar pressureMonitoring activity of a user in locomotion on footOn Foot Navigation: Continuous Step Calibration Using Both Complementary Recursive Prediction and Adaptive Kalman FilteringEffect of therapeutic footwear on foot reulceration in patients with diabetes: a randomized controlled trial.The cell attachment site on foot-and-mouth disease virus includes the amino acid sequence RGD (arginine-glycine-aspartic acid).Effect of weight-bearing activity on foot ulcer incidence in people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy: feet first randomized contr...Effects of leg activity and ambient barometric pressure on foot swelling and lower-limb skin temperature during 8 h of sitting