on faith英 [ɔn feiθ] 美 [ɑn feθ]
on faith
- adv.with trust and confidence
- Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals.
On FaithEssays on Faith and MoralsOn Faith, Fact, and Interaction in ProjectsWatercolor Artist Draws on Faith, SymbolismReview of the Evidence Base on Faith CommunitiesTrading on Faith: Religious Movements and Informal Economic Governance in NigeriaMoral Psychology Must Not Be Based on Faith and Hope: Commentary on Narvaez (2010).Individual and institutional influences on faith-based health and wellness programmingTrading on faith: Religious movements and informal economic governance in Nigeria. Journal of Modern African Studies, 47(3), 397-423Exploring the existential function of religion: The effect of religious fundamentalism and mortality salience on faith-based medical...