on again
- Jane doesn't know if she's going to the picnic. She's off again, on again about it.
简不知道自己是不是要去参加野餐,她一会儿这样,一会儿那样。 - He took off his large spectacles, gave them a wipe, and put them on again.
他把大眼镜摘下来,揩一揩,又戴了上去。 - Has he been trying it on again? I hope you took no notice.
他是不是又在耍花招?我希望你没搭理他。 - We were without electricity for three hours but it's on again now.
On againOn AgainT helper cell differentiation: on again, off againSigma and RNA polymerase: An on-again, off-again relationship?Do rats terminate hypothalamic stimulation only in order to turn it on again?IT and Entrepreneurism: An On-Again, Off-Again Love Affair or a Marriage?Editor's comments: IT and entrepreneurism: an on-again, off-again love affair or a marriage?On-again/off-again dating relationships: How are they different from other dating relationships?On again-off again: COP9 signalosome turns the key on protein degradation.The on‐again, off‐again relationship between mitochondrial genomes and species boundaries