释义[人名] 奥米什;
High voltage transistor with high gain[The effect of the stereoisomers of dimercaptosuccinic acid on the elimination of several metals from the body].PSYCHO-SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF OBESITY AMONG MALE STUDENTS IN QASSIM UNIVERSITY IN SAUDI ARABIAA Real-time Harmonic Detector Design to Improve Power Quality in Power SystemsALPOMISH AND YURIWAKA DAIJIN : ON THE POSSIBILITY OF THE STORY TRANSMISSIONAsset management of local wealth-holders:The Kamino and Tomita families and KamitomishokusanDiscrete-Time Model of a Population With an Additional StructureWalter R. Plomish, applicant, and Canadian Council of Railway Operating Unions, United Transportation Union, respondentsPRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM THE MULTICENTER LIFESTYLE HEART TRIALCORRELATION STUDY OF CALIFORNIA PROFILOGRAPH AND K. J. LAW PROFILOMETER