释义[地名] [西班牙] 奥利韦利亚;
Mechanism of the Diels-Alder reaction: reactions of butadiene with ethylene and cyanoethylenes.Numerical formulation for a simulator (CODE_BRIGHT) for the coupled analysis of saline mediaChemInform Abstract: GROUND STATES OF MOLECULES. 49. MINDO/3 STUDY OF THE RETRO‐DIELS‐ALDER REACTION OF CYCLOHEXENEDetermination of drugs in surface water and wastewater samples by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry: methods and preliminary r...Nonisothermal multiphase flow of brine and gas through saline mediaGround states of molecules. 55. MINDO/3 study of rearrangements of C4H7 radicalsA microstructurally based effective stress for unsaturated soilsMultiple insect resistance in transgenic tomato plants over-expressing two families of plant proteinase inhibitors3did: a catalog of domain-based interactions of known three-dimensional structureRETRASO, a code for modeling reactive transport in saturated and unsaturated porous media