oligocene英 [ɔˈliɡəusi:n] 美 [ˈɑlɪɡoˌsin, ˈolɪ-]
- n.from 40 million to 25 million years ago; appearance of sabertoothed cats
同义词:Oligocene epoch
用作名词(n.)- Beibu Wan Basin was a lake in the middle Eocence-Lower Oligocene.
北部湾盆地在中始新世至早渐新世是一个湖泊。 - Venezuela, oil is produced from lenticular sandstone beds of the Oligocene oficina Formation.
委内瑞拉奥斯特拉油田的产油层,为渐新世奥菲西那组透镜状砂岩层。 - The continental deposits of Enping formation aged from Oligocene to Eocene of Palaeocene are well-developed and widespreaded in the Pearl River Mouth Basin.
用作形容词(adj.)- Beibu Wan Basin was a lake in the middle Eocence-Lower Oligocene.
北部湾盆地在中始新世至早渐新世是一个湖泊。 - Venezuela, oil is produced from lenticular sandstone beds of the Oligocene oficina Formation.
Oligocene CO2 decline promoted C4 photosynthesis in grasses.The heartbeat of the Oligocene climate systemFaunal stability during the Early Oligocene climatic crashGlobal cooling during the eocene-oligocene climate transitionAstronomical calibration age for the Oligocene-Miocene boundaryLate Oligocene-early Miocene unroofing in the Chinese Tian Shan: An early effect of the India-Asia collisionClimate response to orbital forcing across the Oligocene-Miocene boundary.A new spadefoot toad from the Oligocene of Mongolia with a summary of the evolution of the PelobatidaeTibetan plateau aridification linked to global cooling at the Eocene-Oligocene transitionMagnetic Polarity Stratigraphy and Mammalian Fauna of the Deseadan (Late Oligocene-Early Miocene) Salla Beds of Northern Bolivia