2025-03-20 05:20:56
英 [ˌəʊliˈændə(r)] 美 [ˌoʊliˈændə(r)]
  • n.


  • 变形



    oleander[ ,əuli'ændə ]

    • n.an ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub having narrow evergreen leaves and clusters of fragrant white to pink or red flowers: native to East Indies but widely cultivated in warm regions

      同义词:rose bayNerium oleander


    1. Many people happily recognize oleander.
    2. I had walked under the oleander for many years.


    Oleander toxicity: an examination of human and animal toxic exposures
    Oleanderol, a New Pentacyclic Triterpene from the Leaves of Nerium oleander
    Causal Role of Xylella fastidiosa in Oleander Leaf Scorch Disease.
    Three new triterpenes from Nerium oleander and biological activity of the isolated compounds.
    Digoxin-specific Fab fragments in the treatment of oleander toxicity in a canine model.
    Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to oleander by the glassywinged sharpshooter, Homalodisca coagulata.
    Anti-digoxin Fab fragments in cardiotoxicity induced by ingestion of yellow oleander: a randomised controlled trial
    Zeaxanthin and the Heat Dissipation of Excess Light Energy in Nerium oleander Exposed to a Combination of High Light and Water Stress.
    Kanerin and 12, 13-Dihydroursolic Acid, Two New Pentacyclic Triterpenes from the Leaves of Nerium oleander
    Effect of selected insecticides on Homalodisca coagulata (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and transmission of oleander leaf scorch in a gre...



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